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The most important thing first: Always remember your baby’s favorite stuffed animal!

General documents

Things you can’t travel without:

  • Any identification documents of all family members
  • Cash, EC card & credit card(s)
  • Mobile phone & charger
  • Digital camera & charger & spare batteries
  • Map or navigation device
  • Insurance card
  • Driver’s license

Baby supplies

For the best travel comfort of your little dwarf, a few things that should not be missing:

  • Diapers (swimming diapers, if necessary)
  • Soothers
  • Baby carrier
  • Stroller / buggy
  • High sun protection for babies / hat, …
  • Bibs
  • Baby-phone
  • Baby food
  • Changing pad

Travel pharmacy

You should always have a first-aid kit with you, especially when on vacation with children and babies:

  • Adhesive plasters
  • Cooling gel against insect bites
  • Fever-reducing suppository
  • Thermometer
  • Antipyretic syrup
  • Remedies for teething problems
  • Remedies for diarrhea
  • Disinfectant spray
  • Individually aligned medication

On the go

Whether you have a long car ride, train ride, bus ride or flight ahead of you, the following things should not be forgotten:

  • Food & snacks & drinks
  • Audio plays, favorite music
  • Drawing equipment, games, children’s books etc.
  • Pillow / neck pillow
  • Garbage bag
  • Change of clothes for the kids
  • Change (coins) for public restrooms at service stations
  • Diaper bag
  • Emergency supplies of baby milk
  • Stuffed animals
  • Thermos with hot water
  • Sun visors for the children’s window
  • Changing pad
  • Wet wipes
  • Toy


Whether it is a swim vacation or a hiking vacation and depending on the weather and the length of your stay always pack enough clothes for the baby to change. Remember your sport accessories such as bicycle helmets, sturdy shoes, bikini, etc.

Entertainment and games

To ensure that there is no boredom during the vacation, don’t forget about bringing enough toys for your baby or toddler such as stuffed animals, toys for the sandpit, music, balance bike, water toys etc.

For the parents

Entertainment for mom and dad shouldn’t come short: cards, board games, badminton set, headphones, books, magazines, laptop, travel guides, sport equipment, running shoes, etc.

Other things

  • Personal cosmetic & care products
  • Picnic blanket
  • Daypacks
  • Beach towels
  • Night light / flashlight
  • Nursing pillow
  • Cooling box
  • Fly screen / insect spray / mosquito net
  • Blackout curtains
  • Umbrella
  • Music box

„Baby perfect“ vacation in the Children’s Hotels Europe

Numerous member companies of the children’s hotels have specialized in the area „vacation with baby“ and therefore know exactly what parents and children need on their first vacation together. The needs of parents are met by giving them the possibility of peace and togetherness while the baby is well looked after in professional baby care.

In addition to the best baby equipment, full service including 24-hour doctor service and much more, you can enjoy the advantage of transparent costs with all inclusive-pampering board on family holidays with the children’s hotels in Austria, Germany, Croatia und Italy.

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